/ Tuesday, April 24, 2012 /
The Verudica Cape lighthouse is situated on the same named cape which can be found across the island of Veruda, south from Pula. It is surrounded by woods and clear blue sea in the tourist village Park Plaza Verudela. The lighthouse was built in 1877. It consists of an 8 meters high foursquare stone tower and a ground building of the total surface area of ​​50 m2. In the lighthouse there are a storehouse and a small keeping room as well as the garden with a fence. The lighthouse building receives electrical power from the electrical network, while the water supplies are provided from the town water system. Like most of the lighthouses on the Adriatic, is completely automated so there is no lighthouse crew for many years from now.
The sea which is situated in front of the lighthouse is wavy and strong during the southern wind blowing, so therefore, special caution is necessary with the swimming. There are always available information notices about prohibiting entry into the sea.
INTERESTING FACTLegend says that the Emperor Vespasian hasn't paid off his debt to ​​the builders who built the amphitheater.
To avoid the curse of later times and to pay off debt, over his confidential persons, he has sent the golden coins to carry and bury those into the shore in front of the Cape lighthouse so that later it can be found by the descendants of builders ...


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